~the beauty of expression is an accurate reflection~a good story: something of a confession~joy through pain is an untradable lesson~selfless love: a simple taste of heaven~

Friday, April 8, 2016

Poems by E

--The following poems were penned by my sister, Emily. Her writing style is a good deal different from mine, as you will see, and her humor much more......refined. (The only fee she had to pay to publish on my blog was incessant and voluntary jumping jacks :)--

Killing Time
-by Emmy

 I watched a second crawl by...I squished one.  
  How should I know?  
I squished a second...

         Moon Mission     
     -by Emmy    
I'm going to the moon, and I'm never coming back,
I've put all my belongings in a tiny little sack.
I've got all the equipment with my fishbowl on my head,
and I've even made the rocket which I've stored under my bed.

--And finally, we will end this program with--

Emily's Quote For The Day: 

"Oh no! I was just innocently sitting here when suddenly my Root Beer drained away!..I think I should have a refill."

This has been, "A Moment With Emily".

--Thank you all so much for tuning in--


  1. Replies
    1. This is how she teaches me, everyone: she uses a word I don't know and then I have to ask her what it means. I remember another long-time favorite was 'ubiquitous'.

    2. "Ask her what it means..."

      Ahem. I prefer you use the dictionary.

    3. That's draconian :) I usually get new words from you in person, though, so it's easier to ask you right then! (I also want to see if you really, REALLY know what they mean. I'm testing you to see if you're always ready with an exact definition.) Shouldn't I get points for making conversation, then? :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I like the title for Killing Time. Its very fitting.
