~the beauty of expression is an accurate reflection~a good story: something of a confession~joy through pain is an untradable lesson~selfless love: a simple taste of heaven~

Friday, December 2, 2016

What's in a Word?

~ Hope ~
-as defined in the Bible-

Anything that involves hope implies future: something that you can't see or don't have yet. Paul pointed this out as a defense for the faith.
"For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees?" Romans 8:24
 I don't hope for my head, I already have it. I can hope for future intelligence to put in it. You can also hope for something that technically would have happened in the past, but only if it has implications for the future. I hope that Dad bought ice cream yesterday (maybe we can have some later!) 

~ Bravery ~
-a note to the aspiring protagonist-

Being in the way of danger isn't bravery.
Being willing to die isn't bravery.

Bravery has nothing to do with risking your life, and everything to do with risking yourself.

Because you can be willing to do whatever it takes to get what you want. For yourself, you can be willing to give it your all, and it will ultimately be no real, actual sacrifice. But to give something, or even someone up for a cause that's bigger than yourself...to let go of what you want and pay a heavy price because it's right...that IS bravery. That is strength.


You can't have bravery without SELFLESSNESS. And if you don't have bravery, you don't have NOBILITY. And if you don't have that, you haven't got a HERO....no matter how much power, and no matter how many hair-breadth-escapes you throw in to make up for it.

The reason that I write this is that the "heroes" in so many stories don't measure up to their own standard. The protagonist is judged less by their actions and the risks that they take and more by their heart motive, and I wish that more writers would realize it. In the meantime, the audience is being cheated out of a true hero whether or not they fully realize it.

Christ's sacrifice on the cross was the bravest thing that humanity has ever known. It was the purest and best example of the word. It is the ultimate example of all time. 

-it takes many forms-

Self-sacrifice is giving what you want for the benefit of someone else. It could be....
-Energy (channeling it in a direction other than you'd planned it for.)
-Opportunity (giving up a one time chance.)
-Desire (the undesirable)
-Freedom (turning your attention from something you'd rather be doing to something you'd rather not be doing.)
-Material (loss of money, treasured possessions.)
-Comfort (pain, danger, inconvenience.)
- Reputation (popularity, damage to character in terms of social standing.)
-Personal Preference (out your comfort zone.)
-Doing something that a person you care about doesn't appreciate, but is for his ultimate good (the sacrifice for you being his possible displeasure, loss of favor, or the fear that he may feel which you would have rather have avoided/prevented.)

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