~the beauty of expression is an accurate reflection~a good story: something of a confession~joy through pain is an untradable lesson~selfless love: a simple taste of heaven~

Thursday, October 26, 2017

24 Reasons Why I'm Actually a Cat

(Some reasons are better than others.)

  1.  I prefer to work independently.
  2. I literally jump at sudden noises (the more aware I am that they could happen the jumpier I get).
  3. I spontaneously dash through the house, occasionally coming close to bowling somebody over (sorry, guys).
  4.   I am honest about how I feel about what you're doing. And expressive.
  5. I wish I had a high-up place where no one else could go where I could withdraw and people-watch (a treehouse in the living room would be nice).
  6. I L-O-V-E the idea of cat naps, though I'm still trying to figure them out.
  7. I love warmth.
  8. I'm an impeccable groomer (I brush my hair about 10 times a day just because it feels mussed up)
  9. Cats recognize me as an equal, which they couldn't do if I was human.
  10. "I am the cat who walks by himherself." I like time alone.
  11. I need to take social cat naps because being out and about drains me.
  12. I scratch my ear with my foot.
  13. Just kidding! :)
  14. I'm always right (not really, of course). I don't always have an opinion, but, when I do, you know about it.
  15. I'm picky about food...sort of. Okay, so I basically just hate peppers. 
  16. I have to do it myself: you can't ever help me. Unless you're making me food...in that case, go for it. I'll be reading a book.
  17. I love water.
  18. Wait a minute...
  19. I'm hard to impress. Try to impress a cat. It's hard. I mean, think about it: remaining calm is an excellent way to conserve energy. Unless you give me something I absolutely L-O-V-E, I won't be turning cartwheels. 
  20. I can't turn cartwheels.
  21. I go easy during the day so that I end up staying awake for hours at night, and for absolutely no reason, which is what makes this so cat-like.
  22. I fake sleep, and I'm sure that cats do too just so you don't bother them. But I don't act like I'm sleeping when I'm not trying to actually go to sleep.
  23. I collect weird things, and they become my toys.
  24. I meow, hiss, and caterwaul fluently--you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between me and the real thing! True story, everyone. I've literally had years of practice at it. It’s kind of embarrassing.
And I know that "everybody wants to be a cat," but, unfortunately, we can't all be!
  1. Are you more like your cat or your dog? Why?


  1. OHHHHH LOVE IT! I can relate to 2,5,10,16,17,and 24

  2. LOL! I love this so much! I'm probably more like a dog because I roll in the grass (true story), chase squirrels, and get really excited about new people. 😊🐶
